Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I've run into a complete word/brain drain...I begin to write and I get all locked up. This does not usually happen to me. I would begin to write and then erase all that I had written. It didn't express what I wanted to express. It didn't capture what I was really thinking. The words were coming out all wrong. I don't know if it is because I have so much I would like to say or is it because I don't have enough to say! Some of my swirling thoughts consist of the following:
Lockdown drills at school....
Budget issues that are deeply impacting our school morale....& precious resources
Students whose behaviors are beginning to escalate...
Students whose academic progess seems to be halted and what do I do next?
Lack of sleep...too many late nights, so much to do, so little time...
Mounting medical bills! UGH......
My daughter's mounting difficulty in passing her social students regents exam...
Details for an upcoming 5K Race I am in charge of in my cousin's name and all the small details.....
Swirling thoughts, spiraling out of control, spinning wildly around my head and yet nothing put on paper that manages to make much sense.
Time for bed...tomorrow is another day. But, for now, I wrote something down. It is better than yesterday when I posted nothing!


Linda B said...

You should read Tammy's post at Klinger Cafe. Although she wrote a little differently, both of you seem to have so much on your To Do list that it's simply overwhelming. The March slicing has taken a lot of time too. Whew-time to slow down a little. I liked your voice in this Pettit-a little trembly, yet you did it! Thank you also for your kind support on my posts. I haven't always gotten to you, but I have noticed. Have a great day tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Oh Katy, I feel like this some days. I also wonder if it's because I have too much to say or too little. Mostly, I think I've got too much on my plate to focus on the writing. Tomorrow IS a new day.

Christy Rush-Levine said...

It is a wonder all that I juggle and you sound like you have about 50 more responsibilities on your plate right now!! You amaze me. Find time somewhere (I hope maybe this time to write was some time just for you) to take care of YOU!